Auto Restarts

After your Minecraft server has been active for an extended duration, certain processes and server data may end up excessively consuming its RAM. When the server runs out of RAM, frequent lags or even crashes can occur. However, this issue can be efficiently addressed by periodically restarting your server.

Important: Regularly restarting your server helps clear out unnecessary and outdated data accumulated from player disconnections, chunks, entities, and other sources, allowing the RAM used by Minecraft to refresh and optimize its performance.

Step 1: login to your panel

Access your control panel and locate your Minecraft Server then click Manage Server.

Step 2: Schedules

This will take you to your servers Control panel, you then need to locate the Schedules tab from the top Navigation bar.

Step 3: Create Schedules

Once on the Schedule Tab, you will be presented with a Create Schedule button, click this and input your schedule name, Example - "Daily restart".

Step 4: Restart Times

Once you've input your schedules name, you need to input the times you want your server to restart, please see the cheat sheet below.

Schedule Cheat codes

These are the cheat code for the Schedule, which will tell the server to restart every set amount of time.

*/5 * * * *
every 5 minutes
0 */1 * * *
every hour
0 8-12 * * *
hour range
0 0 * * *
once a day
0 0 * * MON
every Monday

Step 5: Create now

Once you've created your time schedule, all you need to do is click Create Schedule and Congratulations, you've created your new time schedule.
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