How to Allocate More Memory to your Minecraft Server

Minecraft Memory

When you're operating a server with numerous plugins or mods, there may be instances where your client lacks the necessary memory to handle all tasks. This becomes particularly evident when introducing mods into the equation, as the default allocation of 2GB RAM falls short. Fortunately, you have the flexibility to adjust the allocated memory for your client, a step that often results in improved performance and is essential when managing a diverse array of mods or plugins.

Step 1: login to your dashboard

Access your Billing dashboard then click on the correct server you'd like to upgrade and click "Services".

Step 2: Access your Management Page

This will take you to your services page, you can now click on the three dots on the right side and select "upgrade/downgrade" which will give you the available upgrade options.

Step 3: Purchase your upgrade

Once you've selected "upgrade/downgrade", you should get tabs on the right side appear with your upgrade options, click on choose product and this will display the total cost of the upgrade and any other fees.
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